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Empowering Women Today and Everyday.

Panhellenic Council GPA has been the above all women's UCF average GPA for over 40 semesters in a row.
The all-Greek GPA has been above the all-university average GPA for over 50 semesters in a row.
The Fraternity and Sorority life GPA was a 3.16 in Fall 2023. UCF's all-Women's GPA was a 3.2 and all-Sorority GPA was a 3.29.
Panhellenic's overall GPA was a 3.35 in Fall 2023.
33.4% of sorority women were on the Dean's List and 8.3% earned a 4.0 (President's List) for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Student Government Association President and/or Vice President have been fraternity and sorority members every school year since 2011.
There are two Greek-specific honor societies: Order of Omega, for all Greek-affiliated students, and Rho Lambda Honor Society, which is exclusively sorority women.

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