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Panhellenic Knight Line-Up




What is Panhellenic Knight Line-Up?

Panhellenic Knight Line-Up is an additional recruitment party that will be before Panhellenic Recruitment Orientation for women going through recruitment that will not be able to attend one of the days of Formal Recruitment. It is meant to act as a "make up" for missing a day. It is mainly for women that are LEAD scholars, Resident Assistants (RAs), Orientation Leaders (O-Teamers), Band members, and UCF athletes that will not be able to make it to one or a few of the days of recruitment. This event allows women the opportunity to meet the chapters and leave a lasting impression on them.


How do I sign up for Panhellenic Knight Line-Up?

First, you need to register for Panhellenic recruitment. Then, you need to email the VP of External Recruitment at with the subject heading as "Pan Knight Line-Up." In the email, please provide your first and last name, the organization or activity you are involved in (i.e. Band, RA, LEAD scholar, etc.) and what days you will be missing for Formal Recruitment. If you have any questions, please call Fraternity and Sorority Life (407) 823-2072.


When is Panhellenic Knight Line-Up?

Panhellenic Knight Line-Up will be on Sunday, August 13th. Check in will be from 2:00-2:20 PM and the event will start promptly at 2:45 PM. The event will be held in the Student Union with the room location TBA.


What should I wear?

Panhellenic Knight Line-Up is a casual event. Dress comfortably. A cute top, shorts/skirts and flats is appropriate.




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